This month, the Invotek Group was recognized as one of the Top 10 Electronics Manufacturing Service Companies by Manufacturing Technology Insights, the leading publication on the global state of electronics manufacturing. This global honour highlights Invotek’s commitment to service and collaboration throughout the product life cycle. To put it succinctly, “We are YOUR factory.”

Becoming a service factory is not an easy process. After all, for thousands of years, the factory was compartmentalized into one stage of manufacturing: production. Craftsmanship, quality control, and aftermarket support were all separate entities that required separate resources and capacities. But in the late 1980s, that paradigm shifted. Companies that were destined for success required a factory that did more than make, they also offered services outside the traditional spectrum. The benefits came in the form of lower costs, higher quality, and more reliable delivery.

Invotek was founded at the beginning of the service factory era and has successfully offered highly reliable electronics manufacturing services for three decades. Specializing in full turnkey solutions, the company can harness several global facilities to provide cost-effective, flexible, and in-house service to its clients. The range of services offered spans the whole product life cycle including: design and development, prototype testing, product validation, launch readiness, supply chain management, advanced manufacturing, distribution, and order fulfillment. They follow the principles of Value Engineering and always ensure the product and the client have a globally competitive edge.

Being a part of the product life cycle also means being prepared to deal with any changes, either in the need for production or the need for engineering services. Design and launch processes are done concurrently such that any alterations in one can be readily managed. Just-in-time delivery with flexible manufacturing schedules ensures that any changes in product demand can be fulfilled quickly. Supplemental engineering services are a phone call away and any customer dissatisfaction, should it happen, is acknowledged, and resolved.

Invotek has kept up with the times so that the company can offer the technical capacity to meet any electronics demand. This includes system design and development, electrical design and PCB layout, embedded software development, Class A form factor and mechanical design to match numerous high-speed SMT lines, and AOI to ensure quality. Apart from the factory floor, the company has the capacity to provide full retail distribution and sales representation.

Invotek is proud to be one of the world’s Top 10 Electronics Manufacturing Service Companies and thanks Manufacturing Technology Insights for their belief in our process model. We will continue to offer the best in electronics manufacturing across the product life cycle and strive to meet and beat all client’s expectations. At Invotek, “We are YOUR factory.” Let us work with you to make your product and company a success.